Jamestown S'Klallam History
Bounded by the Pacific Ocean to
the west, the Strait of Juan de Fuca to the north, and by Hood
Canal to the east, Washington State�s Olympic Peninsula has
always been a rural area whose residents have been dependent on
local resources. The location is remote and scenic, with more
than 200 miles of rugged coastline, which has long been the
place of many S�Klallam villages.
Inhabiting this area for more than
10,000 years, the S�Klallams possessed a rich social and
religious culture based on the abundant natural resources of the
Northwest Coast. They moved from village to village in their
traditional territory during the spring, summer and fall, for
fishing and resource gathering, and settled into more permanent
longhouses for the winter months. The inhabitants hunted game
and subsisted on the wealth of shellfish, herring, and salmon.
They were craftspeople skilled in woodcarving and basket making,
and they fashioned ceremonial masks, serving dishes and
utensils, and storage boxes from cedar, and woven mats, rope,
and clothing from cedar bark.

Captain Charles Hall
- 1917. Cy Frick Collection.
Do not reproduce without permission.
�S�Klallam� derives from �nuxsklai�yem,�
the original Salish language name for the S�Klallam people
meaning �strong people.� The Jamestown S�Klallam Tribe is one of
three S�Klallam bands; the others are the Lower Elwha Klallam
and the Port Gamble S�Klallam Tribes.
S�Klallam contact with Europeans
began in the 1700s and increased in the 1800s, after the
establishment of Hudson�s Bay Company trading posts in the
Northwest. The S�Klallam people traded at Fort Langley, Fort
Nisqually, and Fort Victoria, which were established in the
1820s, 1830s, and 1840s, respectively.

Gathering at Jamestown Beach - 1922.
Cy Frick Collection.
Do not reproduce without permission.
The S�Klallam Tribe entered into the Point No Point
Treaty with the United States in 1855, but resisted removal to
the reservation of the Twana people at Skokomish. They remained
in their traditional areas, and in 1874 the S�Klallams from the
village at Dungeness privately purchased 210-acres of land,
establishing Jamestown. The population of Jamestown at the time
was around 100, with about 17 families buying into the acreage.
Citizens of the tribe supported themselves by gardening,
farming, fishing, and working in the pulp mills in the
surrounding area.

Gathering at the Shaker Church at Jamestown - 1922.
Cy Frick Collection.
Do not reproduce without permission.
In the 1930s, the Tribe was given
the choice of moving to the reservations purchased for the other
two S�Klallam Tribes or remaining where they were, unrecognized.
The Jamestown people chose to stay on the land they had bought
themselves. Tribal citizens received services from the federal
government until 1953 when the government ceased recognizing
them as Indians. Beginning in the 1950s, the three S�Klallam
Tribes combined to litigate land claims and fishing rights. In
cases that went to the Supreme Court of the United States, the
S�Klallams ultimately regained the fishing rights they had been
granted in the Point No Point Treaty.
Facing increasing problems in the
areas of fishing rights, health care, and education due to lack
of federal recognition as a Tribal entity, the Jamestown Tribe
began an intensive effort to obtain recognition in 1974 and
adopted a constitution in 1975. They received federal
recognition on February 10, 1981. Since then, the Tribe has
pursued land acquisition and economic development, and providing
health, social service and educational benefits to its citizens.
Seafood harvesting and sale has been a longstanding Tribal
business in various forms. Starting with intertribal trade, then
sales to local pioneers from the beach at Jamestown, the Tribe
continued with seafood sales by individual Tribal commercial
fishermen through the 20th century, as well as an
early iteration of Jamestown Seafood that operated in Dungeness
Bay in the 1980s and 90s, selling oysters, clams, crab and
geoduck. Since then, the Tribe has focused on geoduck diving and
oyster aquaculture.
The Jamestown S�Klallam Tribe has
long been recognized as a progressive Tribe, now wholeheartedly
rooted in the 21st century, but with a deep
connection to their traditional resources, history and culture,
which inform the present and serve as the foundation of their